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时间:2014-06-26 作者: 来源:十大网投平台信誉排行榜 点击:

职称 电话
邮箱 简介 教授,博士,建设管理系系主任,工程管理专业负责人



姓名:甘露   职称:教授  学历:博士 系别:建设管理系

职务:建设管理系系主任   E-mail:ganlu_soarpb@sicau.edu.cn











[1] Lu Gan1, Xu Dirong2, Hu Lin3, Economic feasibility analysis for renewable energy project using an integrated TFN-AHP-DEA approach based on consumer utility[J]. Energies, 2017,10(12): 2089.

[2] Lu Gan1, Li Wang2, Lin Hu3. Gathered village location optimization for Chinese sustainable urbanization using an integrated MODM approach under bi-uncertain environment[J]. Journal of Sustainability, 2017,9(10):1907

[3] Lu Gan1, Jiuping Xu2. Retrofitting transportation network using a fuzzy random multiobjective bilevel model to hedge against seismic risk[J]. Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014,214(1):1-24

[4] Lu Gan1, Jiuping Xu2. Control risk of multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem under hybrid uncertainty[J]. Journal of Management in Engineering, 2015,31(3):1-16

[5] Lu Gan1, Jiuping Xu2. A computer-integrated evaluation for supply chain alliance in a bidding environment[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013,68(5-8):1203-1217

[6] Lu Gan1, Jiuping Xu2, Bernard T. Han3. A computer-integrated FMEA for dynamic supply chains in a flexible-based environment[J]. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012,59(5-8):697-717

[7] Lu Gan1, Jiuping Xu2. Multi-objective stochastic optimization for multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling in the highway bridge construction projects[J]. International Journal of Logistics and Transport, 2010,4(2):81-111

[8] Lu Gan1, Can Ding2. A fuzzy relationship model of FMEA for quality management in global supply chains[C]. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2014,07.

[9] Lu Gan1, Qiong Shen2, Dirong Xu3, Wen Wang4. Quality risk control for GSC dynamic alliance in large-scale construction projects[C]. 2014 Seventh International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, 2014, 08. (20144800245675)

[10] Lu Gan1, Jianqiang Tang2, Gaomin Li3. Real estate project DCRM in post-earthquake reconstruction based on the stochastic game model[C]. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015, 07

[11] Lin Hu1, Lu Gan2, Qian Yang3. Pan-tourism urbanization model based on system dynamics: a case study of Barkam[C]. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Kanazawa, Japan, 2017,07(通讯作者)

[12] Dirong Xu1, Jun Gang2, Lu Gan3, Zhongqin Li4. Economic evaluation of renewable energy saving technology based on analytic hierarchy process and data envelopment analysis method[C]. 4th annual 2016 International Conference on Material Science and Environmental Engineering, Chengdu, P.R. China, 2016,12(通讯作者)

[13] Siqi Jiang1, Yang Li2, Pengyan Jiang3, Lu Gan4. Evaluating the quality performance of reconstructive public health service com-munity based on weighted TOPSIS method[C]. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2016,07(通讯作者)

[14] Yang Li1, Siqi Jiang2, Pengyan Jiang3, Lu Gan4. Evaluating the quality performance of reconstructive community public health service based on weighted TOPSIS method[C]. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management. Springer Baku, Azerbaijan, 2016, 07(通讯作者)






[1]甘露1.建设工程项目风险损失控制理论与实践研究[M],西南财经大学出版社, 2016年.7月, ISBN 978-7-5504-2466-1


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